Decreasing the Levels of Cholesterol Naturally

Research indicates that a number of individuals who are suffering from obesity or at an unhealthy weight have moved upwards over time. This really is related to the kind of meals currently being offered in academic institutions as well as junk food places also the possible lack of exercise as the individual matures. The issue moves further as this implies that a lot more people in America are affected by hypertension, cardiovascular disease as well as cardiac arrests later on. The good thing is this could be prevented before it's far too late.

The organic method to reduce the cholesterol levels is going to be by developing a few changes in lifestyle as well as doing exercises. This helps the person slim down, that is directly associated towards the levels of cholesterol within the body. When individuals think about going on a diet, several believe this implies saying farewell to a few of life's juicier meals but it's not really. The individual may have to restrict the actual intake as well as increase the new things which are healthier. More frequently, this may call for consuming foods which are an excellent source of dietary fiber as well as lower in unhealthy fats. A few examples worth mentioning are artichokes, corn, seafood, garlic cloves, legumes, fresh mushrooms, nut, essential olive oil, soy milk and whole grain products.

The person shouldn't neglect to have several vegetables and fruit also as these tend to be full of sterols which are able to keep your levels of cholesterol lower. Many of these items are inexpensive and may be easily bought in the grocery store. Apart from eating properly, the individual should also go ahead and take essential safeguards whenever drinking fluids. What this means is drinking a glass of red wine reasonably, lowering the consumption of alcoholic beverages, drinking organic fruit juices, non-fat milk as well as drinking water. Apple juice for instance has become recognized to decrease levels of cholesterol by approximately fifty percent whenever consumed frequently. Additional fresh fruits may also do the same therefore slicing this and placing it right into a mixer can perform the trick or obtaining this in bottled form.

The next phase to decreasing the levels of cholesterol by natural means is as simple as physical exercise. This is often accomplished in lots of ways for example brisk walks, jogs or even running around the neighborhood. Trying to learn an exciting new sports activity as well as doing it frequently is yet another alternative. People who desire to be looked after by a fitness expert can easily look into the fitness center because there are experts that could produce a plan to get the person's sought after outcomes. This is a mix of cardio workouts in addition to strength training to shed the calories from fat and minimize the levels of cholesterol.

There's a different way to decrease the levels of cholesterol, however it is utilized as the last measure in the event that both of these fail to work. The person will probably be needed to make use of medication to get it done. There are plenty of items available and research indicates this could decrease the levels of cholesterol up to fifteen to thirty percent. The individual must be aware however these medications currently have specific effects so it's recommended that you seek advice from a physician initially to ensure it's safe.

Cholesterol levels are something that is manufactured in your body and it is taken whenever food is eaten. The best way to guarantee the levels in the blood do not go over the limit would be to have a check-up frequently and observe the food that's being prepared or provided in the diner.

Visit my site to read more about how Paleo Diet can help you.

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Understanding Heart Disease Causes

I was reading a health and fitness publication. While I was reading through it occurred to me that about every other article was something could help with heart disease prevention. My second thought was how are we supposed to determine what works for us and with our situation when there is a whole lot information out there?

Based on my research by reading, talking with medical practitioners and my life experience I've developed a list that concentrates on typical coronary disease contributors and what to do to decrease those risks.

Greatest Risks:

High Blood Pressure LevelInflammationElevated Cortisol levelsPlaque in the arteries

Blood Pressure Level

As reported by the University of Iowa high blood pressure increases injury to our blood vessels and vital organs and this is among the most frequent risk factors in heart disease. Without using too many medical terms high blood pressure levels causes you to work hard like a mean boss!


Inflammation is as a result of injury to our bodies. It is the way the body's immune system looks after you. Long-term inflammation takes place when you get an excessive amount your body taking care of itself! With coronary disease the inflammation may also cause the human body to send the incorrect kind of treatment the fix can come as plaque which in turn causes the arteries to restrict.

Elevated Cortisol Levels

High cortisol levels (the stuff that increases when you're stressed) leads to an increase in blood pressure levels and more belly fat. As we saw above increased blood pressure is harmful for us for many reasons! The stomach fat has been shown to increase your probability of heart disease because it contributes to metabolic syndrome. The main reason for this is that there's a rise of fat in your body.

Plaque in Arteries

This ultimately blocks your arteries and may cause a heart attacks. This Plaque can come from fat, cholesterol, calcium and other miscellaneous places.

Best methods to Combating Risks

ExerciseHealthy dietStress Management

These ought not to be overly surprising since this is what you hear many times. However these areas are not exactly easy to identify the # 1 consideration. So what follows is a glance at the most significant activities.


Most sources say we require A half-hour of moderate activity every day of the week and then moderate is around Two miles in Half an hour. Why? Because the list of advantages is impressive!

You sleep better (which results in reduced blood pressure levels)Results in a far more efficient cardiovascular systemManages our weight therefore have less body fat in our bloodIncreases the flow of blood allowing the heart to work betterLowers your blood pressureIncreases HDL (good cholesterol)Decreases triglycerides


This is the area that most likely had the most dispute, but all experts believed that a food plan with an increase of vegetables and fruit was your best option. Why? According to Jill Nussinow, MS, RD, the high antioxidant activity of vegetarian and vegan food items is important in heart wellness.

Additionally, when those foods, many of which are naturally loaded with fiber, both soluble and insoluble, are substituted for potentially artery-clogging animal products, will help you lower cholesterol levels, possibly regulate blood sugar (implicated in coronary disease), and help people lose or sustain body weight easier?

So increase fruit and veggies to combat cardiovascular disease.

Stress Management

When we are stressed we will have elevated blood pressure levels and cortisol levels. Especially if we're chronically stressed as the body never has a chance to recoup. Sadly many people are chronically stressed? Too much to do too little time? You know the tale. Then toss on personal finance issues, family, and career problems and the stress assumes a life of its very own.

So using stress management will help. Not sure what to do for stress relief? Here are some ideas:

MeditationYoga breathingExerciseKeeping a diary

So there you have it, a simple summary of how to deal with the information! Exercise every day, eat more fruits and vegetables and take the time to blow off steam. That isn't too challenging.

And finally if you want to learn more about heart disease prevention you should visit

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Why Lowering HDL Cholesterol Is Bad

Lowering HDL cholesterol is not what you want to achieve. It is the LDL cholesterol that you should try to lower. High LDL is the main cause of heart disease and why it is the number one cause of death in the United States. Having too much LDL is a big cardiovascular risk and, with other fats, you are at risk to having heart problems because of the clogged arteries. This will likely lead to a stroke or a heart attack. Fortunately, this can be easily avoided.

Most adults should get their blood cholesterol tested at least once every three to five years. Here are a few things to do to lower LDL cholesterol and actually raise HDL cholesterol. It is actually easier to pull your bad cholesterol down rather than trying to raise your good cholesterol. Besides the fact that HDL cholesterol actually helps to prevent the clogging of your arteries, eating less healthy fat will not only lower your HDL cholesterol, but increase the LDLs in your bloodstream. Thus creating more of the problems that we are trying to avoid. The best way to really lower your bad cholesterol is by making changes in your diet. This means that you will need to start eating the right foods so that you will be able to start seeing your bad cholesterol levels go down. Here are a few things to do while trying to lower your cholesterol levels.

Lose Weight

The benefits of losing body fat are endless and lowering your cholesterol is a bonus benefit. The best way to really lose weight is to start an exercise program that will get you moving on a daily basis. Too many people live sedentary lives and they often forget the importance of being physically active. For you to get out and be more active might mean having to take up a new hobby. Activities like golf are great for your health and will also get your competitive juices flowing. Golf is a great way to lower stress levels and, at the same time, give you enjoyment.

Eat and drink healthier

This means that you should focus on eating more fruits and vegetables as these are the best and most natural ways to lowering cholesterol. Fruits like apples and blueberries are known for lowering LDL and raising HDL. Some people actually think that lowering HDL cholesterol is a good thing, either because they are misinformed or confused, but really it is the complete opposite. Focus on drinking more water, as this will also help with the absorption of vitamins and nutrients as well as help flush out toxins from your body that cause disease.

Lowering HDL cholesterol is not the way to go. It's lowering your LDL that's the problem. It's really not that difficult and will absolutely bring you some great health benefits. Though some people might have a hard time with making the transition, it will usually take an adjustment period before you make it a habit to eat healthy. If you are able to remain focused on your results of eating healthy, the cravings for fats, fried and sugary foods will go away in just a couple weeks or so and you will be able to turn this into your new lifestyle to help ensure a longer and healthier life. Take your time and make sure that you have the right mindset to succeed.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives. He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and lowering HDL cholesterol. For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at

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2012 New Year's Resolution: Get Heart Healthy With L-Carnitine

As you move into the New Year, you might be making a ton of resolutions, from saying you will eat better to making time to work out. Many people embark on a slew of New Year's resolutions in January, only to find that they fall off by the end of the month. However, there is one resolution worth keeping and that's getting your heart in better shape. In the end, poor heart health doesn't result in a guilty conscience because you didn't keep a resolution; it can be your ultimate and quite untimely demise. There are several things, from walking just 30 minutes a day to incorporate l-carnitine supplements into your daily vitamin regimen; you can do to promote better heart health.

· Take three 10-15 minute walks daily: If you split it up, you won't feel so overwhelmed in trying to make time to get a workout in and you may be more prone to stick with it. Talk a walk just outside of your office or around your neighborhood in the morning or evening. Get your kids to get up and walk with you or a significant other for added motivation. You could also ask another family member, friend or neighbor. This is one of the healthiest things you can do for your heart in the New Year. If you want to then progress to another form of exercise, from aerobic classes to jogging, you can do so, but at least start with the walking. It costs nothing, takes little time and has such a huge amount of benefit to your overall health. The more you walk, the stronger your heart will get and the more your body will reap the benefits from the daily exercise.

· Incorporate supplements into your morning regimen: Vitamins boost you in areas where you might have a deficiency that adversely affects your health. Fish oil capsules and l-carnitine supplements are important additions to your cache of vitamins as both promote good heart health. You can also take Vitamin C and B-vitamins, both of which have added health benefits overall. However, the l-carnitine in particular guards against heart issues, so particularly if you are overweight and/or have a family history of heart disease, this might be a good supplement for you to try.

· Eat better: Make small changes at first; people usually fail when they try to do too much for the New Year. Start small by, say, replacing soda with water. Don't change anything else; start with that and once you've got it licked, make another change. This helps your heart healthier changes become more lasting as you move forward in your quest to get healthier overall. You might also try incorporating more fish in your diet, as this is a heart healthy move, and cut out foods high in saturated fat. These foods often come with a recipe for high cholesterol and subsequent heart disease, so steer clear where possible. Drink as much water as possible, make any protein you eat lean and utilize your diet as fuel instead of comfort. Doing so will ensure that you realize the benefits of frequent exercise, access to supplements and the development of good habits much quicker than you might seem them otherwise. Moreover, you may find that you just feel better when you eat better, with less fatigue and more energy than you've had in years, which is well worth the effort just for that fact.

· Make other lifestyle changes as needed: For example, if you smoke, consider quitting for the New Year. All of the l-carnitine and exercise in the world isn't going to do your heart a bit of good if you continue to cultivate unhealthy habits that destroy the muscle. Start a smoking cessation program to stop smoking and start living a healthier life.

Good heart health takes work, but if you put in the effort to stay healthy now, you won't have to put in the effort later to regain good health. Eating right, taking supplements and exercising make you a proactive participant in your health and in your life overall. Being proactive helps to ensure lasting life that is positive and healthy.

Kandice Linwright (Linwright Design, LLC) provides local search strategy to Arizona small businesses, including social media campaigns and development, content development, WordPress website design, and in-depth analytics. For more information on living a heart healthy lifestyle, visit

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High Cholesterol - Signs, Symptoms, Causes

High cholesterol is what the average person calls it. The medical term is hypercholesterolemia and it is a risk factor for heart disease.

No signs or symptoms are usually visible until the problem becomes significant. Occasionally, yellowish patches appear around the eyelids or in the outer margin of the iris of the eye. Lumps may form in the tendons of the body, especially in the Achilles tendon.

But most of the time, the fatty waxy yellowish substance lodges inside the walls of the blood vessels, where you cannot see it. That's why you must have your blood levels checked on a regular basis, even if you feel healthy. It could be a family issue you are unaware of.

One of the rare causes of hypercholesterolemia is genetics. It is then referred to as familial hypercholesterolemia. There are actually two genetic mutations, one being much rarer than the other. The rarest form can cause severe cardiovascular disease during childhood. People with the more common, but still rare form tend to develop cardiovascular disease between the ages of 30 and 40.

If members of your family have died from heart attacks at relatively young ages, the reason could be familial high cholesterol. It is in your best interest to get a blood test.

Watch Your Diet

Excessive dietary intake of saturated and trans-fatty acids is the most common cause of hypercholesterolemia in the Western world. Dietary cholesterol was at one time blamed, but most research indicates that cholesterol-rich foods like eggs can be consumed in moderation. For example, eating three eggs per week is okay.

Some people have switched to a vegetarian or vegan diet. Usually the result are quite remarkable. Meat, especially red meat, is a source of saturated fat that can cause high cholesterol.

Get Moving and Keep Going

Another common cause is lack of physical activity. Physical activity is one of the only things that raise HDL levels. HDL is considered "good" cholesterol, because it carries the yellow goo out of the bloodstream. LDL particles are the ones that "stick around" in the blood.

You Have Heard the Warnings Repeatedly

Smoking and alcohol consumption in excess of one or two drinks per day are other causes of high cholesterol. Both smoking and alcohol can cause the liver to produce more LDL particles.

Anyone who is obese should have their HDL and LDL blood levels checked regularly. Obesity raises triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are fats in the bloodstream. Triglycerides include free fatty acids and the cholesterol particles we have been talking about. When a person has high cholesterol, their total blood triglycerides are also higher than normal.

Age a Factor -?

Getting older is a possible cause, although not necessarily inevitable. Dietary changes and improved nutritional status can combat high cholesterol regardless of a person's age.

A number of other health problems can cause hypercholesterolemia including:

* Hypothyroidism
* Pancreatitis
* Type II diabetes
* Nephrosis
* Cirrhosis and other liver diseases

Certain prescription medications can also cause the health problem including progesterone, corticosteroids, anabolic steroids and diuretics. No drug is without risk and many of them have a negative effect on liver function. Anything that messes with the liver can cause hypercholesterolemia, as well as other health problems.

While statin drugs are the usual treatment of choice, they too are risky. It is possible to lower high cholesterol naturally without drugs. Now that you know some basic causes, you'll learn how in my next article.

Please click the CHOLESTEROL link below in the resource author box.

Thanks for reading the article. Please visit for 5 more articles that may help with Cholesterol Problems CHOLESTEROL.

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Natural Ways to Reduce Your Cholesterol

Looking after your body should be one of the things top of your mind from as soon as you are old enough to think independently.

If you treat your body like garbage, then the chances are that it will treat you back the same.

Now, of course, the human body is built to last and it can deal with being thrashed around a bit, but constantly abusing it, especially where there is no need is asking for trouble.

It is a fact that having high cholesterol has been linked to heart disease and so looking after you bodies cholesterol levels as well as your general health should be high on your priority list. No matter what age you are. You shouldn't wait until things start going wrong to begin caring for yourself. However, if you have healthy cholesterol levels, then it is wise not to take anything to reduce your cholesterol.

So, if you are looking to reduce cholesterol, how can you go about doing it naturally?

Your cholesterol levels are generally down to your lifestyle choices. There may be cases where there is another underlying factor and medical help is required, but generally it comes down to lifestyle choices.

The exercise you undertake and the food you eat are what directly affect the levels of good and bad cholesterol in your blood.

For those of you new to this, yes, there is 'good' and 'bad' cholesterol. The bad cholesterol (LDL) is the kind you find in your hamburgers and other meats, it comes from saturated fats. The good cholesterol is found in foods such as nuts and fish which contain unsaturated fats.

There's evidence that foods containing certain added ingredients, such as plant sterols and stanols, can reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood. These are often advertised as such along with other 'super foods'.

Sterols and stanols can be found in specially developed products, such as some spreads and yogurts.

Thus if you are looking to reduce cholesterol, then taking these products as well as eating more soy products and a super food, blueberries, can help you make progress to better cholesterol levels.

If you are looking just to maintain healthy cholesterol levels then eating lots more fish and adding some nuts and soy products into your diet, while cutting down on meat and other products high in saturated fats is the first move you should take.

In addition to taking more care and love with your diet, if you are not already doing so, then get your body moving every day.

You don't need to go to the gym, but just get on your bike or do some decent paced walking for 30 or 40 minutes a day.

Once you learn to do it right and get into the right habits, you will feel less inclined towards the lazy habits that lead to unhealthy and high in saturated fat diets and life styles.

If you are interested to learn more about reducing cholesterol, statins and Lipitor side effects then head on over.

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Cholesterol Truths Revealed

Almost every week in my office, I see a new patient who is on a statin drug prescribed by the patient's MD for high cholesterol. Of all the drugs that have been prescribed en masse, nothing is more futile than the statin drug. In 2010, the best-selling drug was Lipitor (a brand name statin) with sales of 7.2 billion dollars. So I'd like to start with some basic facts about statins.

What are the criteria then for so many prescriptions? The data from the companies that sell these drugs are very clear and available to the public. However, it can be confusing for the layperson to sort through it all--so I will do my best to translate some of the data for you.

In statistics there is a number used to determine the effectiveness of a medication; this number is known as Number Needed to Treat (NNT). It represents the number of patients who need to be treated in order for one to benefit from the drug. If a drug has an NNT of one, it means that every person who takes the drug receives a beneficial outcome. If it has an NNT of 10, it means you have to treat 10 people for one to have a benefit. The NNT of Lipitor is 100. Another way to say this is that Lipitor has a 99-percent failure rate.

What Lipitor will do is lower your cholesterol. If this is so, why doesn't it prevent heart disease? The simple answer is that there is no correlation between heart disease and cholesterol. In other words, of the people who have heart attacks, about one-half will have "high" cholesterol and one-half will have normal or low cholesterol.

Cholesterol is not fat; it is a waxy substance of which about 80 percent is made in the liver. It is produced from a molecule called HMG-CoA. Statins poison the enzyme that converts this molecule to cholesterol. They also stop the production of CoQ10, which is an essential part of the production of ATP, the main energy unit of our cells. Ironically, the highest concentration of CoQ10 is in the heart.

Cholesterol is the substance from which all of our steroid hormones (estrogen, testosterone, cortisol etc.) are made. It is also present in every cell membrane. When there is damage to the wall of an artery, cholesterol is sent in to "patch" that damage. Cholesterol itself, however, needs to be transported and the proteins that transport it to and from the cells are known as low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins. (HDL). These are often erroneously referred to as "bad" and "good" cholesterol respectively. LDL is responsible for taking cholesterol from the liver to the tissues, and HDL is responsible for recirculating the HDL from the tissues back to the liver. They are strictly shuttles that take cholesterol to and from tissues. LDL particles, however, come in different sizes and new tests can determine what your LDL particles are made of. They basically fall into two types: large buoyant and small dense. It is the small, dense particles that can get under the lining of your blood vessels and oxidize and cause a plaque to form. The large buoyant particles are too large to get under the lining and do not pose a threat.

Statin drugs do nothing to modulate the size of the particles. This is done through diet alone. And the most offending food, the one that drives those small, dense particles? Sugar. Sugar is the main cause of both increased small LDL particles and increased triglycerides (fat) - not saturated fat. One of the worst things you can do for your heart is to go on a low-fat diet. A low-fat diet is, by definition, a high-carbohydrate diet, which is a recipe for heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.

If your doctor is trying to put you on a statin, or if you are currently on a statin, I would highly recommend that you get the more specific particle testing done. The two labs that we use at our office are the Lipoprotein Particle Profile by Spectracell Laboratories and the VAP Cholesterol test through Quest Diagnostics.

A normal total cholesterol level is between 180 and 250. These numbers in themselves are meaningless because two people can have the exact same numbers but be at completely different risks. A total cholesterol count below 160 becomes problematic because the body doesn't have enough of the building blocks it needs to maintain cellular health and steroid hormones.

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What Is Cholesterol Actually? Lowering Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol actually is not a bad thing. It depends whether you are talking about good cholesterol or bad cholesterol. You can't remove all your cholesterol in your body or else you will die. I will explain why.

Cholesterol is actually a sterol (a combination steroid and alcohol). It is a lipid found in the cell membranes of all body tissues, and is transported in the blood plasma of all humans and animals.

Cholesterol plays a central role in many biochemical processes. It is also insoluble in blood, but is transported in the circulatory system bound to one of the varieties of lipoprotein, spherical particles which have an exterior composed mainly of water-soluble proteins.

When we think about cholesterol, what comes into our mind is the fact that too much UNHEALTHY cholesterol is the thing that leads to our arteries getting clogged. It makes it harder for the heart to pump blood throughout the body stressing it to the point it malfunctions (hence, heart failure).

Cholesterol is split into 2 types. LDL and HDL. LDL stands for low density lipoprotein. LDL is actually the BAD cholesterol referred to in the paragraph above. This is the stuff that clogs our system. HDL on the other hand stands for High density lipoprotein. This is the healthy cholesterol that we should aim for.

HDL (high-density lipoprotein) known as the good cholesterol actually acts in part in reversing the way cholesterol is moved around the body, and it takes cholesterol out of the plaque in the artery. It may return it to the circulation, to the liver, to be excreted out of the body.

In a healthy diet, you must learn to reduce your bad cholesterol while learning to increase your good cholesterol at the same time. The key is to maintain your ratio between your LDL and HDL. A high LDL and low HDL are bad.

When you eat food, make sure you check out the labels and ingredients. Pay keen attention here. You want to make sure you keep on increasing your HDL while reducing your LDL. But ultimately, it depends on the construct of a person's body. Some people absorb cholesterol better while others do not.

Some healthy ways to improve your cholesterol levels is that one of the best ways to reduce your harmful cholesterol in your body - is to reduce fat and cook your own healthy food! Here are a few more tips on how to lower your cholesterol and to achieve it.

Make Your Own Homemade Ice Cream

Do you know that making your own homemade ice cream can significantly reduce your fat? Substitute evaporated skim milk for whipping cream in homemade ice cream to cut the fat. You will still maintain the creamy taste.

Don't use too much sauce!

Did you know that all the mustard and ketchup sauces (not to mention the chili sauces) in fast food joints like McDonalds and KFC are filled with fats? You can still enjoy fast food as long as you cut down on your sauces and still lower your cholesterol

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10 Best Home Remedies for Cholesterol Control

Cholesterol accounts for most of the heart diseases you will hear. High blood cholesterol eventually leads to an imminent stroke or a cardiac arrest. There are two types of cholesterols in human body - HDL and LDL. HDL is considered good and essential for body. On the other hand, LDL cholesterol is the bad cholesterol and should be avoided as it blocks the arteries and bars the blood flow.

Medications apart, you can always keep a check on your cholesterol levels with few simple home remedies, which prove to be beneficial in longer run. These home remedies decrease the bad cholesterol and help increase the levels of HDL cholesterol in body. Ten best home remedies for cholesterol control are:

1. Regular consumption of vitamin E prevents formation of LDL cholesterol in body. Recommended daily are 400 international units of vitamin E as a dietary supplement in order to maintain good levels of HDL cholesterol. Vitamin E prevents the arteries from blocking and hardening.

2. Regular consumption of vitamin C increases good cholesterol in the body and also lowers the LDL levels. Recommended daily are vitamin C supplements either in tablet form or consumption of citric fruits like oranges, etc. Even vegetables with high vitamin C content can be taken everyday in diet.

3. Garlic has been world-renowned for its medicinal properties. Regular consumption of garlic also keeps a check on the LDL cholesterol levels in the body. Recommended daily are 6-7 cloves of garlic everyday either in food or wholly to maintain high levels of HDL cholesterol and control the levels of LDL cholesterol. Garlic can be taken in capsule form in case the patient cannot withstand its smell and taste.

4. Skin of grapes helps to keep the cholesterol under control. Grapes eaten wholly reduce the LDL levels and help in maintaining the HDL levels in body.

5. In addition to grapes, grapefruit too is known to have medicinal properties to treat your cholesterol levels. Regular consumption of grapefruit lowers the LDL cholesterol in the body. Whole fruit can be taken everyday for best results. Results, however, start appearing in nearly two months.

6. Daily consumption of only two cups of beans can reduce your LDL cholesterol levels by almost 22%. All kinds of beans legumes are helpful in this condition.

7. Cinnamon tea helps keeping the bad cholesterol away. Regular consumption keeps the cholesterol levels balanced.

8. Boil one tablespoonful of coriander seeds in two cups of water. Consume once a day. Helps reduction of bad cholesterol.

9. Taking 1-2 fish oil capsules daily before going to bed helps reduce LDL levels in body. The omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil help lower LDLs and triglycerides.

10. Water mixed with some onion juice helps maintain cholesterol levels.

Welcome to the world of natural treatments and home remedies. Cure High Blood Cholesterol naturally with proven home remedies for cholesterol and diet. Learn easy and simlplest home remedies for cholesterol and high blood cholesterol treatments. For more detail read my blog Chesterwilson's Blog.

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Sweet Drinks Are A Risk Factor Of Heart Disease

If you drink more than two sugar sweetened drinks (including those popular flavored waters) per day, a new study finds they are a risk factor of heart disease and you might have a higher risk for developing diabetes, even if you aren't adding any weight from enjoying these popular, and tasty beverages. These types of sugar-laden drinks are well known culprits that contribute to obesity and have already been removed from vending machines at many schools in an effort to limit the empty calorie temptations for kids.

Researchers looked at the drinking habits for almost 4,200 subjects, both men and women, who were between 45 to 84 years old and were of different ethnic backgrounds.

Using questionnaires to learn about drinking habits, the team also recorded weight gain, measured waist circumference, noted levels of cholesterol and blood sugar, as well as who might be diagnosed with diabetes during follow up exams that continued over a period of 5 years. None of the participants were suffering from heart disease at the start of the research back in 2002.

The study found that middle aged women that consumed two (or more) sweetened drinks per day had a risk four times higher of suffering from elevated triglycerides levels as well as higher blood sugar levels compared to those women who drank under one sweetened drink a day.

The sweetened beverage drinkers also had increased belly fat, but did not weigh more than the non-drinkers.

Doctors know that fat in the belly area poses far more dangerous health risks compared with fat stored in other parts of the body. Fat in this area lies around vital organs and often produces hormones and other dangerous substances that have a negative impact on blood pressure, insulin production and cholesterol. Taken together, these are what are known as metabolic syndrome, a group of risks that have been associated with stroke, diabetes and heart disease.

The findings on sweet drinks did not hold for men, though no one knows precisely why this might be. It might be that women don't need as much energy for metabolism compared with men due to being smaller in size with less muscle mass overall. A soda containing 130-calories accounts for a larger chunk of the daily energy of a woman compared to a man - maybe men need to drink more sweetened beverages to see the same effect.

While cutting back on the sugar-laden drinks is not easy, it is a smart choice when it comes to improving your health. Think about this, women usually make the food (and drink) choices for the whole family, and this can have far reaching effects on others. As individuals, we need to exercise some control over how much we drink as these choices can have an incredible impact on our risk for heart disease.

Another study presented at the same meeting included 212 patients with heart failure, aged 61 years old and found that those who had low vitamin C levels do worse than people who get sufficient amounts of vitamin C through their diet.

Heart failure patients with a deficiency of vitamin C were nearly 2.5 times more likely to have an inflammation marker linked with heart disease called high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) in the blood. These people had a higher risk of being hospitalized (or dying) from heart failure in comparison to those who had higher vitamin c levels of and low levels of hsCRP.

It seems that those who eat a diet full of vitamin C are likely to have better health than those who don't. As always, experts caution against favoring one good for you food over another - a balanced eating plan that includes lots of healthy foods is always best, as well as reducing your intake of sugary sweet drinks.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more on how to reduce any risk factor of heart disease that you may have.

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The Right Vitamin K Nutrition Is Essential to Your Heart Health

Vitamin K nutrition is showing up in the press a lot lately. Many people are concerned they aren't getting enough.

This vitamin recently grabbed headlines because new discoveries show it has a powerful ability to add bone density to protect you from a hip fracture. Research also shows it can protect your heart by keeping the blood flowing through your arteries.

What You Need to Know About Vitamin K Nutrition

If you eat asparagus, kale and broccoli regularly, you're probably getting enough of one type of vitamin k. This is also called Vitamin K1 or Phylloquinone. It helps your blood clot.

There's a possibility you could be deficient in this vitamin if you have Chron's disease or other diseases that blocks absorption in the digestive tract. You could also be deficient if you take blood thinning drugs.
Otherwise, you probably get enough.

However, scientists say you probably don't get enough of a different type of Vitamin K. This is K2 or Menaquinone. This is important because it regulates your calcium levels.

For a century, doctors knew that people developed a strange, bone like structure lining their arteries as they aged. It was dismissed as an oddity of age until recently when doctors realized that "bone like" material was actually calcium. And it shouldn't be there.

How Eating More Cheese Can Help

A Dutch study followed over 16,000 women for 8 years. They had no coronary disease at the start of the study. They were monitored for Vitamin K1 and K2 intakes. At the end of the study, nearly 500 women had developed coronary heart disease. They had eaten less cheese, eggs and meat than the others.

Surprising isn't it? The same foods the doctors have told us to avoid just might help us increase our K2 intake.

Fermented cheese like gruyere are the best. See K2 is a fat soluble vitamin. That means it needs fat to dissolve into your body and do its work. So, fatty foods like meat and cheese can be good resources.

But don't get too excited yet.

Doctors say it's hard to get all the K2 you need from your food unless you start eating Natto. This is a Japanese food of fermented soybeans. Sources say it's a gooey, stinky substance that smells like the Japanese equivalent of limburger. It's a great source of K2 but not very popular among those who didn't grow up eating it.

So, to increase your vitamin k nutrition, you can develop a taste for Natto and eat more cheese and meat. Of course, then you risk other cardiovascular problems.

However, if you'd to make it easier on yourself and maintain a healthy diet, you can take a multi-vitamin supplement with K2.

All supplements don't have this important ingredient so you should always read the label. I have found one that combines k2 with 79 other essential vitamins. It may be the most potent multi-vitamin available. You can learn more at my website below.

Jen P. April is a passionate advocate of health and nutrition. To learn more about effective supplements she recommends after extensive research, visit

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Cholesterol - How to Remain Active For the Whole Day

A long with eating a balanced diet of minimally processed whole foods, being active on most days of the week is critical to creating healthy cholesterol levels. Getting active for health does not mean spending hours at the gym. In fact, you never even have to go to the gym to get the amount of exercise that is proven to improve your health. This chapter will give you the knowledge of why physical activity is beneficial and how you can get moving to enjoy those results.

Physical Activity Benefits Heart Health

People are designed to be active creatures. Not so long ago, we had to perform physical work to feed, clothe, and shelter ourselves. Modem living has changed all of that, but it cannot change the fundamental need of people to move and use their bodies in order to maintain optimum functioning. As average levels of physical activity have declined, medical professionals have observed an accompanying decline in the body's physical functioning. Researchers are also studying the relationship of physical inactivity with decline in mental functioning. Numerous studies now substantiate the fact that a minimal amount of physical movement is not only beneficial, but essential. Many aspects of aging, such as the loss of strength, balance, and the ability to move and care for oneself, were formerly thought to be the natural result of the aging process. Research today tells us that many of these consequences are not actually the result of aging. Rather, they are the result of disuse of the body and a failure to take advantage of its physical capabilities. To retain our vitality and energy, we need to keep ourselves physically active.

How Much Activity Is Necessary?

According to guidelines issued by the U.S. Surgeon General, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the minimum amount of activity for health includes the following factors:

Should continue for at least 30 minutes totalCan be accumulated in bouts as short as 8 to 10 minutesShould be of moderate intensity, such as brisk walkingShould occur on most, preferably all, days of the weekShould include some resistance exercise and stretching during the week

The guidelines also note that more activity and a higher intensity will provide greater health and fitness benefits. The general guidelines listed above set forth minimum amounts of activity necessary to enjoy health benefits. Clearly, this level of exercise will not prepare you to run a marathon or to climb Mount Everest, but such events may not be among your immediate goals. You may simply want to feel better and know you are doing something good for your health. The message for you is loud and clear-with moderate amounts of physical activity on a regular basis, you can achieve this goal.

What Is Moderate Activity?

Research shows that activity can come in a variety of ways and still provide health benefits. The good news is that with so many activities to choose from, you are likely to find something that you enjoy and are able to incorporate into your life on a regular basis. You can also perform some activities that are performed at a higher intensity, such as bicycling, jumping rope, running, shoveling snow, or climbing stairs for a shorter amount of time (fifteen minutes or so) to get similar results. However, it is not necessary to do high-intensity exercises to achieve health benefits, particularly those associated with improvements in cholesterol levels. Moderate intensity exercise can improve heart health. The most important thing is that you find something that you can and will do regularly, and that you do it for at least thirty minutes on most days of the week. Remember that you can break up those thirty minutes. For example, you can take a ten-minute morning walk, run a quick errand on a bicycle at noon for ten minutes, and then take another ten-minute walk at the end of the day. That adds up to a total of thirty minutes in one day.

Walk Your Way to a Healthy Heart

One of the best forms of exercise that provides a healthful challenge for the human body is walking. It is economical, easy to fit into your day, bears a low risk of injury, and it is effective in improving health. Numerous studies show that people who walk regularly have less risk of death or disability from disease. Studies have shown that people who participate in regular walking programs have higher levels of HDL cholesterol, lower levels of total and LDL cholesterol, and lower levels of triglycerides or blood fats. In addition to reducing these risks of heart disease, walking helps you to enjoy many other benefits, including maintaining a healthy weight, improving the condition of bones and muscles, and reducing stress and tension.

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Cardiovascular Disease - Signs - Symptoms

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US. It is one of the four leading causes of US fatalities that have been directly linked to diet.

Specifically, diseases affecting the heart and circulatory system are related to deficiencies in certain nutrients and excessive intake of others. By definition, that is an imbalanced diet.

Excessive intakes of all of the following are associated with circulatory diseases:

• Saturated fat
• Omega-6 fats
• Trans-fats, which are man-made, non-essential and are not a part of any healthy eating plan
• Salt/sodium

In addition, diets that are high in processed foods and simple sugars can lead to type II diabetes. People with type II diabetes have an increased risk of heart disease and peripheral vascular (blood vessel) diseases.

Inadequate intakes of any of the following can increase a person's risk of heart attack, stroke and other circulatory issues:

• Omega-3 fatty acids
• Potassium
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• Vitamin K
• Folate/folic acid
• B-complex vitamins
• Magnesium
• Selenium

In truth, chronic inadequate intake of any essential nutrient or trace element can lead to cardiovascular disease. A general lack of fruits and vegetables in the American diet is another problem, because fruits and vegetables provide fiber and phytochemicals important for circulatory health.

Years ago, just following WWII, the US government realized that heart attacks were killing an increasingly large number of people in the US. After Eisenhower had a heart attack while he was in office, the government decided to sponsor scientific research concerning the causes and risk factors of heart attack. These same causes and risk factors were eventually related to stroke and other circulatory issues, as well.

The research has not stopped. It has been ongoing for decades. Doctors have closely followed all of the residents of a single small town, recording information about what they eat and other lifestyle factors. Smoking cigarettes was one of the first causes identified. It was relatively easy to see the connection there, but there were still many questions to be answered.

To date, the causes and risk factors of cardiovascular disease that have been identified through this ongoing research include:

• High LDL coupled with low LDL cholesterol
• High blood triglycerides
• High blood pressure
• Type II diabetes
• Obesity
• Family history (sometimes due to genetics, sometimes due to the family diet)
• Physical inactivity
• Excessive alcohol intake
• Stress

Many of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease are related to each other and all except for the last four have been directly linked to unhealthy diet. Even stress can be reduced with a healthy eating plan, while an unhealthy eating plan can increase stress in the body.

Sadly, there may be no symptoms until a person has a heart attack or a stroke. This is why high blood pressure is called the silent killer.

Regular medical check-ups are essential to monitor the first four risk factors, although prescription medications may not be the right choice for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In my next article, you will learn about the ways to reduce your risk and possibly prevent these deadly diseases naturally.

Please click link on Cardiovascular Disease below in the resource author box.

Thanks for reading the article. Please visit recommended Nutritional Supplements and Vitamins that may help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease.

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AED Heartstart Defibrillators Are Everywhere And For Good Reason

AED Heartstart defibrillators are becoming increasingly commonplace and popular as the technology behind them improves making them easier to operate thus enabling them to be utilised more extensively. There are some big companies behind the development of these portable devices designed to save lives. Some of these medical companies include: Zoll, Phillips, Medtronic and Cardiac Science. So what does an AED do?

An AED or Automatic External Defibrillator is a battery powered light weight portable electronic devise that is designed to generate a measured charge in joules that can be delivered via electronic pads. These pads are attached to the chest of a person who is suspected of suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). SCA is when the heart rhythm goes into either ventricular fibrillation (VF) where the heart appears as a bowl of jelly that is being shaken or ventricular tachycardia (VT) where the heart is beating very fast. Either rhythm is inefficient and such results in the heart not pumping effectively so it cannot circulate blood around the body as it cannot maintain the blood pressure and the person will die if not resuscitated.

An AED by defibrillating or shocking the heart is like hitting the hearts reset button so that the shock stops the heart. By making the heart stop still, the hearts own pacemaker some specialised heart cells known as the "AV node" can once again control the rate and rhythm of the heart. The external compressions of the heart and artificial ventilation of the lungs that make up CPR are not enough to successfully resuscitate an unconscious person in either VF or VT, they generally also require the "reboot" that an AED can deliver.

Unfortunately once the heart goes into either of these life threatening rhythms the clock is ticking as research has shown us that the hearts ability to be able to resume a normal rhythm diminishes by approximately ten percent with each passing minute without being defibrillated by an AED. So you do the math, after ten minutes you are at one hundred percent and defibrillation may no longer be effective. This is why it is vital that an AED Heartstart Defibrillator be available just as soon as possible when they are required in an emergency. This plus the AED's affordability is why you will nowadays find an AED wherever people tend to congregate in groups for example: clubs, shopping malls, airports, etc. This can save precious time waiting for paramedical services to arrive with an AED.

Richard D Williams,

Please visit my AED Heartstart defibrillator review website where I have my reviews of the best AEDs available on the market.

I strive to do my best in reviewing the best products out there because I know there can be a lot of issues when you buy items online and your hesitancy when entering your credit card details as you may not be sure of what you are buying. My site is dedicated to reviewing the best AED Heartstart Defibrillators around please check it for yourself before making your AED purchase.

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Preventing Heart Disease in Seven Ways

About 1 in 4 deaths in the United States is believed to be caused by heart disease. According to medical articles, more than 450,000 Americans die of coronary heart disease each year. Heart disease remains the leading cause of deaths in the country. How do we prevent it?

1. Reduce fat intake. This is the best way. You probably have read much about how cholesterol and fat wreak havoc on your arteries. Unfortunately, people don't pay attention. Wrong diet is the leading cause of not only heart disease but other conditions like diabetes and cancer. The ideal way to get rid of unwanted fat is to stay away from solid fats like butter and margarine.

2. Opt for low-fat protein sources. For many people, the best source of protein is meat, but meat contains animal fat. Healthier alternatives are fish, legumes, and skim milk. Some types of fish are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart. Avoid full-fat milk, egg yolks, hot dogs, sausages, and bacon. These sources are rich in fat.

3. Have more servings of vegetables and fruits. Next time you do grocery shopping, include veggies and fruits. These are rich in fiber and have high doses of vitamins and minerals. They are low in calories and fat. Thus, they are very good for the heart and for health in general. But there are fruits to avoid like coconut. Instead of eating snacks, ice-cream, and burgers, help yourself to salad and vegetable dishes.

4. Go for whole grains. They are rich in fiber. So instead of refined grain products, buy whole grain substitutes. Ground flaxseed, for instance, is an ideal substitute to refined grains. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, thus helping lower cholesterol in your body. Other healthy grains are brown rice, high-fiber cereal, oatmeal, and whole grain pasta. Avoid white bread, refined flour, doughnuts, biscuits, egg noodles, granola bars, cakes, and pies.

5. Reduce salt intake. Health and medical articles are against too much salt consumption. Salt contains sodium which causes water retention and raises blood pressure. High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease. Then again, aside from reducing salt in your recipes, you should also stay away from canned and processed food, which has lots of sodium. Making your own food is the healthier alternative.

6. Do not overeat. A lot of people eat more servings in a meal than needed. This is the efficient way to gain weight, most especially if you are an office worker glued to your seat more than 8 hours a day. Overweight people are at risk of heart disease. Check the amount of food you eat. Don't consume more than what you can burn.

7. Walk, run! It's easy to use gas when driving to a store a few blocks away. Why don't you move those muscles and take a hike? Inactive people tend to retain fats in their tissues. This is not good for the heart. Exercise is one of the best ways to improve well-being and prevent cardiovascular disease.

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Is Cholesterol the Number One Killer in the United States?

When you hear the word cholesterol what comes to mind? For many, high cholesterol and heart disease are first.

For decades the media has claimed that to decrease your risk for heart disease you must eat a low-fat diet with less than 300 mg of cholesterol a day. In 2004 the National Cholesterol Education Panel expanded the guidelines to include a recommendation that people take statin medications such as Lipitor to PREVENT heart disease. It is incredibly important to mention that 8 out of the 9 reviewers on this panel had monetary ties to drug companies. Did I mention Lipitor is the number one selling drug in America raking in 7.2 billion dollars in 2010?

Why we NEED cholesterol (and fat for that matter)!

Cholesterol is a soft waxy substance found in the bloodstream and in every cell of your body. It is found in animal products such as meat, milk, and eggs. It is essential for the production of sex hormones, bile acid (helps digest fat) and cell membranes. Cholesterol is also vital for brain function because it forms the covering of all the nerves in your body. The liver makes 75% of the cholesterol your body needs, and rest comes from food. If our liver makes cholesterol, then it is tough to argue how "bad" it is. By the way, 75% of people who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels. Interesting, isn't it?

Now, this is not to say that you should go out and eat a diet loaded with fat and cholesterol from your local fast food restaurant. However, you don't have to be afraid to eat organic grass-fed eggs, grass-fed pasture raised meat, and other types of healthy fats. The key is balancing cholesterol as part of a healthy diet.

If cholesterol isn't as bad as I was taught, what is the right way to eat?

If you are confused or have concerns about how you should be eating to promote a healthy mind and body, you are not alone. You are right to be unsure. There are so many profit driven influences on information the public is given about health and food. The fact that you have questions is a great sign that you are on the right track to seeking the truth. When you are on the journey to health, guidance and leadership are essential. If you are unsure of the next step you need to take, contact an expert for a consultation so that you can start living the life you deserve!

Click here to schedule a FREE phone consultation with a health and nutrition expert to find out what you should be eating and what foods you need to avoid.

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CoQ10 and Blood Pressure: What You Need to Know

A study published in the Journal of American Medical Association shows people who lower their high blood pressure can live longer lives. You probably know the dangers if left unchecked. It can lead to heart attacks, stroke and kidney failure.

You may have heard of the benefits of CoQ10 and blood pressure. Multiple studies show this supplement may lower your blood pressure.

What is High Blood Pressure?

The American Heart Association defines high blood pressure as 140 over 90 or higher. If this is you, your doctor has probably described many lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise and cutting out drinking.

And while there's no doubt a healthy lifestyle is good for you it may not be enough to protect your heart on its own. This is where CoQ10 comes in.

What is CoQ10?

CoQ10 - also called Coenzyme Q10 - is a vitamin-like substance that gives your cells energy. Without it, your cells can't function.

As you age, your body stops making as much CoQ10 and you may find you're deficient.

Studies show as many as 39% of people with heart problems don't have enough of this nutrient. To make matters worse, many of the popular statin drugs like Lipitor further reduce your levels of CoQ10.

How Does It Work?

Your heart requires energy to pump the blood through your arteries. In a healthy heart, CoQ10 provides the right amount of energy.

A study in the journal "Pharmacology and Therapeutics" says CoQ10 can lower the viscosity of the blood. This means the blood flows more easily which lowers your blood pressure. It also appears to widen the blood vessels so your blood can flow more smoothly.

According to the Mayo Clinic, studies show it takes 4-12 weeks before you'll see positive results from taking a supplement like COQ10. However, at least one heart patient discovered success in just a month despite years of taking prescription medications.

Can You Get It From Food?

Organ meat and oily fish like herring and salmon can provide you with some of the CoQ10 you need but it isn't enough to meet the needs of most people over 40. You'll probably still need to get more from a supplement.

One way you can enjoy the COQ10 and blood pressure benefits is by combining this necessary nutrient with the essential fatty acids of omega 3. This powerful combination can protect your heart in dozens of ways.

Your goal? To lower your blood pressure safely and naturally, to learn more how CoQ10 can help you meet your health goals, visit my website below.

Jen P. April is a passionate advocate of health and nutrition. To learn more about effective supplements she recommends after extensive research, visit

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Chest Pain, Heart Diseases and Prosthetic Heart Valves

Prosthetic heart valves Follow up as important as surgery itself Patients undergoing prosthetic valve surgery need meticulous follow up in the post-operative period. Thorough understanding of the structure of different prostheses, their thrombogenic potential, durability and hemodynamics is imperative for proper management during this period. The treating cardiologist must be familiar with the use of oral anticoagulants (VKAs), their interactions with diet and different drugs to be able to avoid life threatening complications of over or under coagulation. Similarly, thorough knowledge of echocardiography of the prosthetic valves and the interpretation of the various nuances is absolutely essential in the management of these patients.

The utility of clinical examination cannot be undermined for it is the astute clinician who picks up the jaundice arising out of hemolysis due to a paravalvular leak or an obstructive valve in association with abnormal sounds and murmurs. Proper recording of all the findings and comparison with baseline findings is of paramount importance. Special precautions should be observed for these patients during special situations like surgery or pregnancy. There is limited data in special populations like the elderly (>70 years), pregnant women and with low molecular heparins, novel anticoagulants and with newer generation valves.

Stress Echocardiography in Valvular Stenotic Heart Disease

Stress echocardiography is emerging as an important tool in evaluation of valvular stenosis.

· It aids in clinical decision making.

· It provides significant non invasive information on dynamic changes in valve function, left ventricular function, hemodynamic response to exercise.

· Exercise gives important information on exercise capacity and symptomatic responses.

· It has the advantage of easy availability, low cost, immediate diagnosis and providing complete anatomic and hemodynamic information. Despite the above, more large scale trials are needed for enhancing its applicability in day to day clinical practice for heart diseases.

What to do while dealing with typical Angina and normal coronaries?

Evaluation of chest pain especially angina like symptoms has always been a challenging task for clinicians at all levels, be it an experienced clinician or a Resident in the Emergency room. The concept that all chest pains be considered as related to coronary artery disease (CAD) can never be ignored inspite of the documentation that coronary arteries have been reported as normal after an angiogram. Coronary artery spasm in normal coronaries, myocardial bridges, arteritis and stenosis of the coronary Ostia may all contribute to chest pain with angina like symptoms. There is no time lag defined between development of new onset CAD and normal coronary arteries. Chest pain like angina may not always be related to CAD but other life threatening conditions like Pulmonary embolism, acute aortic dissection, tension Pneumothorax, may be missed and passed off as non-cardiac conditions.

Hypertrophied left ventricle of hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Aortic stenosis or hypertrophied right ventricle of pulmonary stenosis, Pulmonary artery hypertension, dilated Pulmonary arteries as in pulmonary hypertension or idiopathic dilatation of Pulmonary arteries may all contribute to chest pain. Other conditions like musculoskeletal syndromes, disorders of abdominal viscera including gastrooesophageal reflux, psychological conditions may have typical angina like symptoms in spite of normal coronaries. Thus, the syndrome of chest pain is a wide spectrum full of pitfalls unless timely measures are taken for diagnosis and management.

Dr. K K Aggarwal is a well-known cardiologist and senior physician. Presently, Dr. Aggarwal is the Senior Consultant Physician, Head Cardiology and Dean of the Board of Medical Education Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi. Dr. Aggarwal is a best cardiologist in Delhi, he is the Founder, Trustee and President of Heart Care Foundation of India. He has served Indian Medical Association as the Honorary Finance Secretary for the year 2007-2008 and also remained the Chairman of IMA Academy of Medical Specialities and Director of IMA AKN Sinha Institute. He's a gold medalist in MBBS and MD from MGIMS Wardha, (Nagpur University).
He's a pioneer in introducing Clot Dissolving Streptokinase. Dr Aggarwal has received many prestigious awards, including Dr. B C Roy National Award from the 12th President of India Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil for his unique contributions in the health sector. He's media partnering the 63rd Conference of Cardiological Society of India.

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All About Cholesterol - A Brief Overview

What is cholesterol you might ask and where did it come from?

Well, it is a fat or a lipid that is produced by the liver as these Greek words imply - chole meaning "bile" and stereos which means "solid". But not all cholesterol comes from the liver. Some of it actually comes from the foods we eat mainly from certain plants and animals.

The Importance of Cholesterol

Why is cholesterol important?

Cholesterol has many uses and the function it brings to our body is numerous. It acts as an enzyme synthesizer which is important for fat metabolism. It is also involved in the production of estrogen and androgens which are our sex hormones. Cholesterol also is a primary contributor for the building and maintenance of body cells. Basically, cholesterol itself is good and is used for several body functions.

The Different Types of Cholesterol
LDL (low density lipoprotein) or also known as the bad cholesterol. This type of lipid is stereotyped as "bad" because an increase or excess amount of it can cause blockage or thickening of the arterial walls. If this happens, a person may have higher risk of having arterial and heart disease.HDL (high density lipoprotein) or also known as the good cholesterol is the total opposite of its twin. This type of lipid primarily functions as a scraper which scrapes off excess bad cholesterol away from the blood stream and arterial walls and then pushes them towards the liver for excretion.Triglyceride is another type of lipid that is also found in the bloodstream along with the other types of cholesterol. It serves as a storage of unused calories which is later on used for energy. High amounts of it can also put you at risk of heart disease.

The Normal Levels of Cholesterol

Below is a quick guide and reference that shows the normal values of the different types of cholesterol.
Total cholesterol should be less than 200mg/dLLDL should be less than 100 mg/dLHDL levels should be more than 50 mg/dLTriglycerides should be less than 150 mg/dL

Risks and Dangers for Having High Cholesterol

An abnormal or a huge discrepancy on any of the normal levels of cholesterol can bring numerous debilitating health conditions - coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, chest pains or angina and heart attacks to name a few.

Who's at greater risk? It could be you! Have your cholesterol levels screened and take necessary actions before it's too late.

Paul is a heart conscious person and loves to share information about cholesterol and why is high cholesterol bad. To learn more what cause high cholesterol and other sure fire methods to decrease cholesterol naturally, sign up and claim your FREE mini-course by clicking on the links provided.

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These Vitamin K Benefits Could Be Your Secret Weapon Against Heart Disease

Let me ask you a quick question, do you want to keep yourself healthy for as long as possible? Do you want to escape the heart disease that plagues so much of the country?

Of course you do!

Vitamin K benefits are rocking the medical establishment and with good reason. The benefits range from protecting you from bone loss to safeguarding your heart.

In fact, studies show this vitamin plays an important role in keeping your calcium where it needs to be and out of your arteries where you don't want it.

Powerful Benefits

The Rotterdam Study, a well-known study on Vitamin K, found participants who had a high intake of this vitamin had significantly lower calcium build up in their arteries-where it calcifies and can lead to a heart attack.

This study followed 4800 Dutch participants for 7 years. This is the largest clinical trial to find a direct correlation between vitamin K2 intake and heart disease. The scientists found participants who included the most vitamin K2 in their diets experienced 57% fewer heart attacks than those who got the least.

They also had a higher calcium amount in their bones-where it can protect you from "The Fall" so many seniors experience that lead to hospital visits and a downward spiral in health.

Here's How It Works:

Your body has an enzyme called Matrix Gla-protein (MGP). It's controlled by K2. MGP is a calcium-binding protein found in your bones. You need this.

Research shows lab mice who don't have enough of this protein die with calcified arteries-similar to atherosclerotic plaque in your arteries.

Studies find that one of Vitamin K's biggest benefits is keeping your calcium out of your arteries-and in your bones where it belongs.

That way it protects your heart and your bones.

Not Just Any Vitamin K

Of course, these benefits don't come from all types of Vitamin K. In fact, you need a specific kind-Vitamin K2-to enjoy these benefits.

Vitamin K2 is difficult to get from the typical Western diet.

It's also difficult to find in a lot of supplements.

That's because most manufactures use the cheaper Vitamin K1 which helps with blood clotting. Scientists say you probably do get enough of this in your food.

Yet, only a few supplements contain the all-important Vitamin K2.

A prominent cardiologist at the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands, conducted a study of 16,057 women between the ages of 49-70, for an average of 8 years. His findings are groundbreaking.
480 women who didn't get enough K2, developed coronary disease.

To make matters worse, the popular blood thinning drug warfarin depletes your already low levels of this important vitamin.

To protect your health you have to get the K2. Now that you know these important Vitamin K benefits, your next step is to find a supplement that has this essential form of the vitamin.

Wouldn't it be great if you could get it in a multi-vitamin?

Jen P. April is a passionate advocate of health and nutrition. To learn more about effective supplements she recommends after extensive research, visit

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Lower Blood Pressure The Natural Way

I want to send a message to those who suffer with hypertension. In most cases we get to this point by our own carelessness, sometimes when we are young adults, and even because of many things that we abuse over the years which we later pay the consequences for.

Often, people consume in excessive amounts, tobacco, which is highly responsible for high blood pressure; coffee, which can raise blood pressure if drank in large quantities due to its stimulant effects; diets high in sodium, and the abuse of alkaloids and chemical drugs. However, the primary cause of hypertension, and the most common of all is an out of control diet that leads to obesity. In most cases, this problem can be avoided.

We must not forget that high blood pressure is known as the "silent killer". Here are some ways to lower blood pressure naturally:

• Maintain a healthy diet and lose the excess weight

• Drink appropriate amounts of water

• Consume fatty acids

• Take diuretic herbs or supplements

• Perform aerobic exercises

• Consume Cardiotonic herbs

The diet should be based on nutrition rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins, complex carbohydrates, moderate in protein and unsaturated fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) and low in saturated fats (animal) and simple carbohydrates (flour, sugar, etc.).

Here are the proper amounts:

From 30% to 50% of grains (whole grains, sprouted grains)

20% to 25% of vegetables (green, Starch or no starch), and seaweeds.

10% to 15% of legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.).

5% to 10% of fruits.

From 0% to 5% of animal products (eggs, dairy, red meat, chicken, etc.)

Drink 5 to 6 bottles of water a day

Consume omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA which are abundant in fish. EPA is very important for the circulatory system, and lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. DHA is helpful for healthy circulation in the brain, and is also found in the retina of the eye.

Other important fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid is found mainly in flax seeds and oleanolic acid which is found in evening primrose oil. The good thing about these omega sources is that they are less contaminated. In conventional medicine, high blood pressure is treated with beta-blockers or diuretic drugs. Therefore, we can take natural diuretic herbs or supplements such as dandelion, horsetail, corn silk, uva ursi, etc.

I also want to mention that there is a homeopathic product highly recommended to lower blood pressure, belladonna, which must be taken in a 30C dilution.

I hope these tips serve those who suffer from hypertension and will help you improve your health.

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