Discover Cholesterol Fighting Foods

As most people know, cholesterol fighting foods are very important to eat on a daily basis and it seems like more people are beginning to understand this. Though more people are beginning to be more health conscious, it seems like there are still people who are unaware of what foods are actually good to eat. Most cholesterol fighting foods are very nutritious and will provide you with all the vitamins and nutrients that you body will need. Though these foods are great for those with high cholesterol, virtually everyone should be focusing on eating these foods on a daily basis. Here are some of the best foods to eat while trying to lower down your cholesterol.

Shitake Mushrooms are one of the rare foods that very few people actually know about. They have a chemical in them that has been proven to lower cholesterol levels naturally. Another great food to eat while trying to lower cholesterol is walnuts, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids which are known to be great for the heart. If you are looking to keep your heart healthy, two servings of soy a day can actually help lower cholesterol.

Though it is obvious that you should have a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet, a great cholesterol fighting fruit is the blueberry. Blueberries have antioxidants that will help lower the bad cholesterol in your body and raise the good kinds at the same time. There's something special about their blue color. Another great fruit to help lower cholesterol is the apple, as it has pectin and fiber. With amazing antioxidants and an abundance of vitamins, apples are great for anyone looking to eat healthier. Any kind of leafy green vegetable is perfect for trying to lower cholesterol and they are known to be the best cholesterol fighting foods around. The more green vegetables the better.

Some of the other foods that are known to fight off cholesterol are garlic and avocados, as they both have been proven to lower bad cholesterol and raise the good. Salmon is a great choice for those looking for the best cholesterol fighting foods because it is both delicious and healthy. Also look to include various legumes like black beans into your diet so that you get a good dose of dietary fiber.

These are essentially the best cholesterol fighting foods out there and you should focus your diet around these types of food. Do not forget to drink lots of water to help your body absorb all the nutrients that you are feeding it and flush out the toxins that accumulate in your body. Water is so important. Though many people believe that a healthy diet is enough to lower cholesterol, adding daily exercise will make the process even more beneficial. Look to get at least 20-30 minutes of exercise a day and you will begin to not only see your cholesterol go down but also see a healthier version of yourself. With just the right foods, correct exercises and enough motivation to become healthy, you will be able to live longer and more active and feel fantastic.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives. He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and, specifically, teaching them about cholesterol fighting foods. For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at

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