A Sample Low Cholesterol Diet That Will Greatly Improve Your Health

If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol or simply want to take better care of your health to avoid future health problems, a sample low cholesterol diet can make a huge difference. Cholesterol is a substance made by our bodies and, in the right amount, is a vital part of our systems. Cholesterol is essential to every cell, but a poor diet can causes our bodies to produce way too much cholesterol which can lead to serious health problems and even death.

A high level of cholesterol is dangerous because it leads to an increased chance of heart disease and strokes. The good news is that your diet can vastly reduce cholesterol levels and will also have the added benefit of improving your overall health. A lot of health problems can be linked to poor diet. High blood pressure, digestive problems and obesity are just a few of the health conditions that can be improved with a good diet. By changing what you eat to help reduce cholesterol you will also be improving your health in many other areas.

In a few cases, genetics can play a part in causing high cholesterol. However, in most cases diet and a lack of activity are the cause. The most likely cause is the consumption of a lot of saturated fat. Even if the cause of your high cholesterol is genetic it can still be helped by improving your diet.

Saturated fat is found in junk food, cakes, red meat, eggs and dairy products, so you must reduce your intake of these types of food.

Here is a good example of a sample low cholesterol diet.


Whole grain cereal with almond milk. - Unsweetened cereals high in bran and whole grain are especially good. Avoid sugary of cereals. It is important to use non-dairy milk to lower cholesterol such as almond milk or rice milk.

Replace coffee with fruit juice - This will introduce more vitamins and minerals to your diet and help to reduce your blood pressure. Smoothies are excellent as they have more fibre than fruit juice. If possible blend your own to cut costs but there are some very good store brought ones. Make sure any juice you purchase is fresh juice and not a juice drink which is mainly flavored water. They are often packaged very similarly. Just be careful to not overdo fruits and juices because they contain a lot of fructose, a type of sugar that causes the body to release insulin and, ultimately, causes cholesterol to increase. 2 Slices of whole grain toast - If you use a spread look for one that is specially designed to lower cholesterol. Benecol is a good example.


A vegetable based soup, served with whole grain bread.
Chicken salad sandwich with whole grain bread.
Serve with two portions of fruit such as strawberries, cherries or grapes.


Grilled oily fish served with fresh vegetables and boiled potatoes. - Oily fish contains Omega 3 which actively cuts cholesterol in the body. This makes fishes, such as mackerel, a very good food to include in a low cholesterol diet.

During the day it is good to drink plenty of water and green tea which are very good for your health. If you are hungry, choose snacks such as walnuts, pistachio nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. A good guide is to choose as many different colors of fruit and vegetables as possible.

If you apply these tips for a single day sample low cholesterol diet to your every day diet you will soon benefit from an improvement in your cholesterol level and blood pressure. This will vastly reduce your risk of serious illnesses. It is also a good idea to introduce some light exercise to your lifestyle, you should consult with your doctor on the level of exercise that is right for you as it will depend on the seriousness of your condition.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives.  He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and, specifically, create a sample low cholesterol diet.  For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at http://improvinghealthsecrets.com/

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