Prevent Heart Disease With a Good Diet

Heart diseases are a worldwide problem and there are many causes that may develop such a disease. We can consider a heart disease if blood vessels are blocked or narrowed so that the transportation to the heart of the nutriments and oxygen is affected. With a healthy diet you can reduce the risks of developing a heart disease.

The most important cause that helps a heart disease to develop is an unhealthy diet, because in time fat and other substances will build up on the arteries wall, narrowing them, so that the blood flow will be affected and heart won't have enough oxygen and nutriments and eventually it will lead to a heart attack.

Prevent and treat a heart disease with a healthy diet.

If you want to take actions and prevent a heart disease, this is what your daily diet should contain:

1) Fiber
There are two types of fiber: soluble (this can lower in time your LDL and raise your HDL) and insoluble(this helps regular bowel movements but has no effect on cholesterol). When you eat food which contains fat your liver will eliminate bile into intestines which will help breaking down the fat. It is recommended to eat soluble fiber because this will help you eliminate bile released by liver instead of returning it into the blood flow which will have as a result lower amounts of cholesterol into the blood.

2) Try to reduce the amounts of saturated and trans fat from your food
These types of substances are considered toxins because can cause cholesterol to build up on the arteries and blood vessels wall which eventually will end up narrowing the path of blood flow and will have as a result bad circulation of oxygenated blood and nutriments through our organism which will increase the pressure on the heart, because now it needs to pump harder to push the blood in our entire organism. After a period of time the heart won't be able to supply with blood all the cells and will result a heart disease. Doctor's recommendation is to reduce from what you eat foods based on animal fat and try to eat more cold water fish because this is the main source for omega 3 and omega 6.

3). Try to drink up to half of your body weight of water or juices in ounces
AS an example let's say you weight 180 pounds, this means that you'll have to drink 90 ounces of water or juices or teas to prevent your cells to become dehydrated.

I invite you to read carefully this article. For more information's about this subject just visit Symptoms For Heart Disease. If you want to read about most common heart disease visit: Heart Attack

Original article

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