Looking for fast and simple steps in lowering HDL cholesterol count in your system? Let us stop you right there. HDL cholesterol is actually good for you. You should boost the amount of HDL cholesterol in your body, instead of wanting to minimize it. Here's why.
HDL cholesterol is actually known as the good cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is known to help people combat heart attacks. Thus, with higher levels, serious cases of blocked arteries or thrombosis is minimized. Thrombosis, if left untreated causes heart attacks. So, actually, lowering HDL cholesterol in your body is the opposite of what you want to do for ideal health.
Steps in Increasing, Not Lowering, Your HDL Cholesterol:
You don't have to make dramatic changes in your life to improve you HDL level. All you need is a few key changes to alter your over-all health. Here are some of the actions recommended for you to make, as suggested by the medical experts:
Do you routinely spend your most days seated at a computer in your office cubicle? Is riding in your car your preferred way of going anywhere? And are you a couch potato? Scientific research has found compelling evidence that a sedentary lifestyle is the one major cause for a person to have low 'good cholesterol.'
So, if you actually want to lowering HDL cholesterol, become a complete couch potato, as little to no amount of physical exertion is the best way to do it. If however, you want a better quality of life, start with just a few changes to become more physically active. Tiny changes could be true life savers. So, start adding more physical exertion in your daily tasks.
Do you unconsciously put into your mouth whatever is served on the dining table? Contrary to popular beliefs, a heart-healthy meal doesn't have to involve hours and hours of slaving in the kitchen. All you have to do is to keep in mind these heart-healthy ingredients which you can steam, broil, and bake instead of frying:
Fruits and vegetables: At least 4.5 cups a day
Fish (preferably oily fish): At least two 3.5-ounce servings a week
Fiber-rich whole grains: At least three 1-ounce-equivalent servings a day
Sodium: Less than 1,500 mg a day
Sugar-sweetened beverages: No more than 450 calories (36 ounces) a week. Zero is best.
Nuts, legumes and seeds: At least 4 servings a week
Processed meats: No more than 2 servings a week
Saturated fat: Less than 7% of total energy intake
Aside from these delectable recommendations, we advise you to check out your local bookstore. You'll find cookbooks whipped up by chefs who want to help people make healthier choices. Make sure to choose those that offer recipes that you can achieve in minutes.
Hopefully you should understand that lowering HDL cholesterol is a step in the wrong direction. Raise it up as high as you can. You can make simple and easy changes in your daily routine. By being proactive about it, you will begin to enjoy a better quality of life.
Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives. He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and lowering HDL cholesterol. For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at http://improvinghealthsecrets.com/
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