Reducing LDL Levels The Natural Way

If you suffer from high cholesterol problems, then you will be interested in finding ways of reducing LDL levels. LDL, in case you didn't know, is Low-Density Lipoprotein and is normally referred to as bad cholesterol. While High-Density Lipoprotein, or HDL for short, is known as good cholesterol that is needed in your body. The best way to deal with cholesterol issues is by increasing HDL levels and reducing LDL levels.

There are many different methods for achieving this, but by far the most effective and best for your body are the natural ways, without risky medications that have potential side effects. Naturally reducing your LDL levels can be achieved easily by making changes to your diet, lifestyle and using potent dietary supplements.

Most health related issues can be tackled with a more active lifestyle, so part of the battle against your LDL cholesterol levels is to include more exercise in your day-to-day routine. While more is better than less, the important point here is that you exercise consistently and put as much effort into it as you possibly can. Walking and swimming are great activities that can be easily added into your life. If you can find something you really like doing, like dancing or playing a particular sport, this is will produce better results as you are more likely to stick to things that bring you joy and pleasure.

Diet, just like exercise, has an immediate impact on cholesterol levels, so when looking to reducing LDL levels, you need to rethink what you put into your body. There are certain foods that should be avoided because they will increase LDL cholesterol, whereas there are other foods that can increase HDL and lower LDL. Foods to avoid include egg yolks (the yolk contains almost 100% of the cholesterol of the whole egg), cheese, red meats and animal organs, butter and fatty seafood such as lobster and shrimps.

Foods that you should emphasize in your diet to help lower your LDL levels are fruit and vegetables that provide the body with cholesterol lowering antioxidants and soluble fibre. Rather than cooking all the fruit and vegetables that you have, eat them raw as much as possible, as this will provide you with a greater level of the nutrients and vitamins the body needs in their unchanged form.

Fatty fish such as sardines, mackerel, tuna, trout and salmon are essential, as these contain omega-3 fatty acids that help lower LDL cholesterol in the body. You should also pay close attention to how you prepare and cook the fish, as the best way is to grill or broil.

Reducing LDL levels is not really as difficult as it may sound, and raising your HDL will help in the balancing act. Following these methods will not only lower LDL and raise HDL, but will impact your whole lifestyle. This will result in you feeling healthier and being able to do so much more than you did before changing your diet.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives.  He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and, specifically, reducing LDL levels.  For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at

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