It seems that nowadays everyone is concerned about their cholesterol. Since high cholesterol is associated with clogged arteries and heart disease, just the term 'cholesterol' conjures up negative feelings. But there is another side to cholesterol that most people have never heard. Knowing the following nine 'secrets' may forever alter your thinking about having lower cholesterol.
First - Cholesterol is an extremely vital substance for proper fetal and newborn development. During pregnancy, a mother's cholesterol levels increase dramatically. Why? Because cholesterol is being transferred to the baby via the placenta to insure healthy development of the brain and nervous system. The brain requires more cholesterol than any other organ in the body. After the baby is born, his/her mother's milk then supplies the baby with additional amount, assuring the continual, on-going development of the brain and nervous system.
Second - Guess what? Your brain and nervous system need cholesterol, too. Cholesterol is required by neurons to form synapses (connections) with other cells. Some recent studies have shown that drugs that inhibit the liver from making cholesterol may also keep the brain from making it, resulting in reduced brain function. Alzheimers and other neural degenerative diseases are on the suspect list of statin side effects, since statins lower cholesterol levels.
Third- Serotonin, the body's "feel good" chemical, cannot do its job if cholesterol levels are too low. Depression, suicidal tendencies, or aggressive behavior can result.
Fourth- Cholesterol is an effective anti-oxidant. Cholesterol's anti-free radical activity neutralizes the damaging effects of fatty acids and free radicals in the tissues. As such, cholesterol fights inflammation, infections, and cancer!
Fifth-Many of our hormones depend on cholesterol. Cholesterol makes up the hormones that help us deal with stress, hormones that regulate blood sugar levels, and all the sex hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
Sixth- Cholesterol is a leading repair mechanism. It's found at all wound sites, and is present in the arterial walls where inflammation has set in. It puts 'patches' on the arterial walls that have been eroded by bad diet. No new cell can form without cholesterol.
Seventh- Cholesterol is found in all your cell membranes and provides rigidity, structure, and 'water-proofing'. Its presence insures that your cells maintain their integrity - without enough cholesterol in your tissues, your cells would become either too fluid, or too firm.
Eighth- Cholesterol is necessary for the formation of Vitamin D in your body. Vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle pain, and auto immune disease.
Ninth- Cholesterol is necessary for the digestion of fats. Cholesterol is used in the making of bile acids, which in turn are changed to bile salts, which are essential for the digesting and assimilating of fats.
So there you have it. Certain levels of cholesterol are needed by the body for it to maintain good health. Think about it if your doctor tells you you need to lower your cholesterol...even lower!
I research information concerning current health trends, uncover the myths that keep people from making wise decisions, and provide natural remedies that will dramatically increase the potential for living disease free.
I'm the mother of five children and have six grand-daughters.
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