Natural Ways to Reduce Your Cholesterol

Looking after your body should be one of the things top of your mind from as soon as you are old enough to think independently.

If you treat your body like garbage, then the chances are that it will treat you back the same.

Now, of course, the human body is built to last and it can deal with being thrashed around a bit, but constantly abusing it, especially where there is no need is asking for trouble.

It is a fact that having high cholesterol has been linked to heart disease and so looking after you bodies cholesterol levels as well as your general health should be high on your priority list. No matter what age you are. You shouldn't wait until things start going wrong to begin caring for yourself. However, if you have healthy cholesterol levels, then it is wise not to take anything to reduce your cholesterol.

So, if you are looking to reduce cholesterol, how can you go about doing it naturally?

Your cholesterol levels are generally down to your lifestyle choices. There may be cases where there is another underlying factor and medical help is required, but generally it comes down to lifestyle choices.

The exercise you undertake and the food you eat are what directly affect the levels of good and bad cholesterol in your blood.

For those of you new to this, yes, there is 'good' and 'bad' cholesterol. The bad cholesterol (LDL) is the kind you find in your hamburgers and other meats, it comes from saturated fats. The good cholesterol is found in foods such as nuts and fish which contain unsaturated fats.

There's evidence that foods containing certain added ingredients, such as plant sterols and stanols, can reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood. These are often advertised as such along with other 'super foods'.

Sterols and stanols can be found in specially developed products, such as some spreads and yogurts.

Thus if you are looking to reduce cholesterol, then taking these products as well as eating more soy products and a super food, blueberries, can help you make progress to better cholesterol levels.

If you are looking just to maintain healthy cholesterol levels then eating lots more fish and adding some nuts and soy products into your diet, while cutting down on meat and other products high in saturated fats is the first move you should take.

In addition to taking more care and love with your diet, if you are not already doing so, then get your body moving every day.

You don't need to go to the gym, but just get on your bike or do some decent paced walking for 30 or 40 minutes a day.

Once you learn to do it right and get into the right habits, you will feel less inclined towards the lazy habits that lead to unhealthy and high in saturated fat diets and life styles.

If you are interested to learn more about reducing cholesterol, statins and Lipitor side effects then head on over.

Original article

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