How To Create A Great Low Cholesterol Menu Plan

When a person is trying to set up a low cholesterol menu plan, they will usually not know what to do. Sadly, most people who have health problems have them because they lack the right information about what to eat and what not to eat. To make the problem worse, the majority of people do not want to learn about how to eat healthy and would rather eat whatever they feel like eating because it tastes good. Unfortunately, those who actually want to make a change will usually not know what to do. This is why so many people give up and accept the fact that they have high cholesterol. In order to properly create a low cholesterol menu plan, you will have to incorporate different types of foods to be able to get all the nutrients needed and eliminate the foods that are causing your cholesterol to be unhealthy.

Lean Proteins

These are great for any diet as they are a good source of protein and they will help also help lower down cholesterol levels. Focus on eating more. Avoid all processed meats as they are the worst contributors when it comes to saturated fat and raising cholesterol levels, as well as a lot of other bad stuff that contributes to heart disease. Duck and goose are also sources of the 'bad' saturated fats.

Soy Products

These are often overlooked as a healthy source of nutrients, but foods like tofu and soy milk are great substitute for those who are looking to implement a healthier life style. These foods are available at most grocery stores now and tofu will go well with most dishes out there as a healthy replacement for meat. Just be sure to not overdo soy too much.

Fruits and Vegetables

Without question, these are the best foods to eat when trying to build a low cholesterol menu plan as they are full of important vitamins and nutrients as well as soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol. The best fruits to eat are apples and blueberries when it comes to trying to lower down cholesterol and focus on eating a variety of different fruits as well. Lots and lots of leafy green vegetables are also needed to be able to properly lower your bad cholesterol levels. These should be number one on your list.

Healthy Grains

Make sure that you do not eat white flour. Focus on eating whole grain foods. Too many carbohydrates can often raise your cholesterol levels and thus increase your chances of getting heart problems, especially simple carbohydrates. The whole grain foods are complex carbohydrates and will give you more fiber and result in lower cholesterol. Healthy grains are great for your body and you should not avoid these healthy carbs.

If are you able to understand what these foods can do for you, you will then be able to create a low cholesterol menu plan that will incorporate all these cholesterol fighting foods. Do not forget the importance of a healthy workout program and try to be active for at least 30 minutes every day. This is extremely important and you should also drink about 10 glasses of water a day. With just the right information and dedication, you will be able to stick to your menu plan and you will then start to see your cholesterol levels dip down.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives. He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and, specifically, taught others a healthy low cholesterol menu plan. For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at

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