Cardiac Tumor

In this article I want to talk about heart diseases that are not very common and can affect any part of the heart, so a few people actually know something about them.

There are two types of cardiac tumor: benign and malign.

1) Benign tumors
1.1) Myxoma
This condition represents a cardiac benign tumor, which develops inside the cavities of your heart and usually occurs in the left atrium of the heart so that it will affect the blood flow from inside your heart. Most common symptoms of this heart disease are: weight loss, fever and it can go until death happens.

1.2) Rhabdomyomas
This condition usually happens at children and infants. This tumor is usually found in the myocardium or in the endocardium and is responsible for one in four cases of heart tumors causing cardiac insufficiency. Most common symptoms for this illness are: chest pain, and nausea.

1.3) Fibromas
These tumors usually evolves in the myocardium or in the endocardium, and affects the valves of the heart. If you cannot see or feel this tumor you can't identify it because there aren't any symptoms related to this disease.

1.4) Teratomas of the pericardium
This disease usually evolves on the main blood vessels and it in most cases it is find at infants. This disease is quite rare and like the other one it does not cause any symptoms.

2) Malignant tumors
This type of tumors develops in other part of the body and from there it spreads to the heart. This tumors are seen in most cases than benign tumors, it can originate from any heart tissue and evolves in most cases in children.

2.1) Angiosarcomas
This is responsible for over a third of malign heart tumors and usually starts spreading from the right side of the heart. Until know the causes for this tumor are not very clear and the symptoms of this disease depend on the location and stage of the tumor.

2.2) Fibrosarcomas
This condition usually develops as a primary or secondary bone tumor. Until know are known two types of fibrosarcoma of bone:

2.2.1) First one is primary fibrosarcoma which is a disease that produces variable amounts of collagen

2.2.2) The second one is called secondary fibrosarcoma of bone and it usually develops from a lesion that exists on the body or after a radiotherapy. Most common symptoms for this disease may be: broken bones, pain, urination very often and obstructed urination.

I invite you to read carefully this article. For more information's about this subject just visit Symptoms For Heart Disease. If you want to read about most common heart disease visit: Heart Attack

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New Born Heart Problems

In this article I will discuss about a common heart disease called Congenital heart disease. I will try to cover most important types of this disease, causes and symptoms for heart disease conditions like this.

This disease develops before you are born, because connection between venous and arterial circulation is not very good, so the blood flow will be affected. Multiple parts from your heart, like: valves, heart vessels and heart muscles may be affected by this illness. This awful disease happens because your heart does not develop completely before birth, so we can say that it is a problem with heart function and structure. Congenital heart disease makes the most number of deaths in the first year of life. In some cases this can be treated just with medication, but in more severe cases will require one or more surgeries.

The mast important causes for congenital heart disease can be as a result from controlling blood sugar levels very poor for women which have diabetes while are pregnant, others factor that may cause this disease can be hereditary and another cause is taking huge amounts of alcohol and other drugs while pregnant.

This disease can be categorized in: cyanotic and non-cyanotic, I will discuss more about these two types.

1. Cyanotic
This condition represents a blue coloration of the child's skin because is not enough oxygen in the blood vessels near the surface of the skin. This happens when the amount of oxygen in the blood drops below 80-85%. The most common types of cyanotic heart disease are:

1.1)Tetralogy of fallot
This illness is caused by more types of congenital problems which may appear because heart will not develop as it should. This condition is the most common type of cyanotic disease and is the main reason for blue babies.

1.2) Transportation of the great vessels
This disease happens because the 2 main vessels that will carry blood away from the aorta and pulmonary artery are inverted. Main symptoms for this disease can be: children turning blue and shortness of breath.

2. Non-cyanotic

This heart defects develops more at children and it has a greater survival rate then the other one.
Most important types of non-cyanotic heart disease are:

2.1) Ventricular septal defect
This illness is caused by a hole in the heart wall between the left and right ventricles, which will make ventricles to work harder, because now they need to pump a bigger amount of blood then they would have in a normal heart. This condition will result in a failure of the left ventricle. Most common symptoms for this condition are poor feeding, very low weight and a lot of sweating.

2.2)Coarctation of aorta
This illness happens because the aorta between the upper-body and lower body branches is narrowed and this will eventually make the affected heart to pump harder than before, because now the blood needs to pass thorough the narrowed path. Symptoms for such a congenital heart disease can be: shortness of breath and a lot of sweating.

I invite you to read carefully this article. For more information's about this subject just visit Symptoms For Heart Disease. If you want to read about most common heart disease visit: Heart Attack.

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What Is Cholesterol Anyway? The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Where does it come from? Why is it such a problem? I am not a doctor or even a dietitian just a guy who struggled with his cholesterol problem for 12 years until I finally found the solution. We'll come back to that in a minute.

Cholesterol is a chemical compound that is naturally provided by our bodies. It is a combination of lipid (fat) and steroid. It is a building block for cell membranes and hormones like estrogen and testosterone. Eighty percent of our bodies' cholesterol is provided by our liver, while the rest comes from our diet of meat, fish and dairy products. Foods from plant based origin have no cholesterol. The liver, when doing its thing is able to regulate the levels of cholesterol in the blood stream and secretes it if it is needed by our bodies. That's all fine and good so what's the problem? As my doctor explained to me high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol), can put us at risk for heart disease. Why? Because if untreated it can build up in the walls of my heart's arteries (this is called plaque) and cause blood flow blockages. That's why you want lower levels here. But to the rescue comes what they call HDL (good cholesterol). It helps carry excess cholesterol from the arteries back to the liver where it can be passed from the body so higher levels here are better. To round out our cholesterol parts we then have what are called triglycerides which are also a type of fat in your blood and once again a high level here is also bad. These three together make up our cholesterol numbers.

Many other factors come into play when talking about cholesterol such as heredity and in my case liver damage due to a bout with hepatitis as a teenager and alcohol later on. This is where we come back to what the solution is. Remember the part in this article about which foods have no cholesterol in them at all? Yes. The answer is in plant based origin foods: vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds. Isn't it even more interesting that these foods are of the highest in nutrient density?

When the light bulb came on for me I was nearly 60 years old, extremely overweight and I was told that I needed to be on medication. I found that if I ate those foods and totally avoided the meat, dairy and sugar then I could find other things to worry about because I wouldn't be worried about cholesterol anymore. As a bonus I greatly reduced my weight as well as my chances of getting things like cancer and diabetes. Now would I trade all that for a hamburger, fries and a shake?

No thanks!

Hi, I'm Denny Sailor, the author of the eBook The Reluctant Vegan. As a result of my improved health through weight loss and vegan lifestyle I became a Certified Weight Loss Coach so I could help others who have health concerns. My eBook and health coaching program is available on and my website is

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