Suffering from acute heart diseases - it has become quite common these days with more and more people falling prey to artery blockages and related maladies. Here, the patient's heart is opened and surgical procedures are conducted on the inner structures of the organ. It is a complex process involving many risks. Since the heart functions as the pumping system for lifeblood, any defective surgical procedure can result in loss of life.
As per the current practice, many patients who are to undergo the surgery are not counseled or informed about the complications that may arise during and after the procedure. Even though all types of surgeries involve risks, open heart surgeries are riskier. The level of complications is directly proportional to the health levels of the patient. In addition, the confidence levels of the patient also play a very important role in determining the outcome of the surgery. This means that necessary steps need to be initiated to boost the morale and robustness of a patient before putting him or her under the scalpel.
Doctors must invariably tell the patient about what kind of complications can rise during and after the surgery. Minor complications include nausea, numbness of skin, minor infections etc while severe complications include conditions like excessive bleeding, stroke, failure of the graft etc. Prior conditioning of the mind would help the patient to endure his or her sufferings with magnanimity. This is beneficial for doctors and hospitals too, since potential lawsuits could also be avoided. This type of mental conditioning would ensure peace of mind for the doctor and other medical staff and also help the patient to be mentally strong in the run up, during the procedure and post surgery periods.
Patients also need to be truthful to the physician and let him or her know if they are suffering from any kind of illnesses or medical situations that can be detrimental. For example, the patient must let the doctor know if he suffers from any types of allergies, including allergies to certain drugs. Eschewing smoking and drinking habits in the run up to the surgery is extremely important, since tobacco and alcoholic drinks are the worst enemies to the heart. If possible, a patient can also donate blood prior to the surgery in order to facilitate easy blood transfusion during the operation. Blood transfusion can neutralize heavy bleeding and other complications like kidney failure to a great extent. For those with sensitive skin, consulting a dermatologist beforehand can help in preventing heavy scarring of the skin and enable quick healing of the skin post surgery.
It has been observed that many patients, post surgery, develop a situation known as arterial fibrillation, with symptoms of unsure heart rates and acute chest pain. Administering the correct amounts of prescribed drugs may help alleviate this issue. In addition, persons recuperating from the surgery need to bring about lifestyle changes, including eating and sleeping habits and patterns.
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